Four friends sit at a table. Talking. Silent. Laughing. Pondering.
In changing settings. Sometimes with a cup of coffee in hand, sometimes with a glass of wine.
However, what is always served up is the young men's favorite topic: the dream of a joint venture.
The ambitions are big, but the space for realization is too small. Their dissatisfaction in their job awakens the need for change.
A few cups of coffee and a few glasses of wine later, wishes become plans and plans become actions.
From the once dreamers, they became entrepreneurs.
09|2020 Foundation of
12|2021 1.Moving within Green Street (400 sqm)
06|2021 1st sales record: 1 million euros
09|2021 First anniversary of
11|2021 Awarded the German Business Award
12|2021 Partnership with Wortmann Future Capital
12|2021 2nd sales record: 2 million euros
01|2022 2nd move to the Kanne Business Park (3,000 sqm)
06|2022 Hosting of a nationwide design contest
09|2022 Exhibition at the M.O.W. in Bad Salzuflen
09|2022 Second anniversary of
12|2022 3rd sales record: 4 million euros