Trend: Minimalism – and how you manage to live (more) minimalistically by decluttering

You're inspired by minimalism, but you just can't seem to get rid of all your stuff? There are many tips and methods for decluttering your home and getting rid of unnecessary items. But: For many people, decluttering is the big hurdle.

Understandably so. After all, an object is not just an object. It represents a memory. For money. An item on your to-do list. For security. Because someday you might still need that item?

The fact is, letting go is not easy. Otherwise, a lot more people would be minimalistic, or at least more minimalistic. Minimalism as a philosophy promises more clarity, freedom, ease, and more time for the important things in life.

So before you start decluttering, you need to have the right mindset. A strong "why?" to get you there. Why do you want to declutter? What do you want out of a minimalist lifestyle?

Marie Kondo, The Minimalists and Co. – this is how clearing out works

Marie Kondo promises more happiness by giving things away - or rather, by keeping the things that really make you happy. The Minimalists write on their blog that minimalism is the way to a simpler, happier life.

All decluttering experts have different strategies. Marie Kondo teaches sorting by category - first clothes, bags and shoes, then books, then papers and documents, then all sorts of bits and pieces, and finally keepsakes.

Each item should be handled. If it brings a "spark of joy," the item can stay. If it doesn't, you can thank the item and ceremoniously let it go.

The Minimalists have created a quick decluttering guide called the Packing Party. All items should be packed into moving boxes. Furniture should also be pushed aside.

This simulates a move. Within a fixed period of time after the packing party - about one to three months - only the items that are actually used are taken out of the boxes and the furniture is set up. The rest of the items can be passed on at the end of the period.

Decluttering is good for the Psyche - but still difficult 

Each method of decluttering has its pros and cons. The Packing Party, for example, can turn you into a minimalist in a weekend - but only on the outside. If you don't work on your inner attitude, the stuff will quickly creep back into your life.

Marie Kondo's simple method has helped many people get rid of clutter, but if you can't let go of your ski equipment because it was very expensive or 30 towels give you a sense of security, letting go will remain a challenge.

And then there is sustainability: What to do with all this stuff?

Tips for Decluttering - here are 10 Steps to make it work

  1. The question of Why: Before and during the process of decluttering, be sure to ask yourself why you want to simplify your life. These could be possible goals:
  • You feel that "too much" is ballast and want to get rid of it.
  • You want to let go of the past, or part with it, and get rid of things that remind you of it.
  • You need more space.
  • You are getting ready to move or have a new family member move in.
  • The chaos is stressing you out.
  • You want to spend less time cleaning.
  • You want to consume less or more consciously - your home should reflect your minimalist lifestyle.
  • You like the minimalist aesthetic.
  • You want to keep only the things that are really important to you.


  1. Planning is important: You can plan the cleaning in a structured way - first the bedroom, then the living room, then the children's room, etc. Within each room, you can break it down into smaller steps - first the closet, then the dresser drawers, and so on. Or you can do a Marie Kondo and sort by category. Here, however, we recommend that you tidy the categories of a room rather than the entire house. We'll tell you why in the next tip.

  1. Small Milestones: Very few people can clean out their entire home in one weekend. It is better to set small milestones. One room - or just one drawer - is enough. Cleaning isn't just time-consuming - it's also emotionally draining.

  1. Hotspots First: Is your messy closet ruining your mood? Is your shoe rack overflowing? Then this is the first place to start. Think about how many jackets, hats and shoes you really need - and let the rest go. At Metallbude, we sell minimalist shoe racks that can hold your favorite pieces - but only them!

  1. Small Successes: If you have a vision of how you want your living space to look, try bringing that vision to life on a smaller scale. For example, in the hallway with an attractive (and minimalist) console table. Or on the shelf in the study. This is the kind of place you want to clear out and then keep tidy - that way, every day you'll see a little bit of what you're aiming for all over the house or apartment.
  1. Clearing and rearranging Areas: When you clean out, it is best to remove all items from the drawer or area-and then reorganize them. Items you no longer need will go into one of three boxes: toss, donate, sell, or give away. If you want to reorganize items, you can temporarily store them in a fourth box called "Keep" box.
  1. The light version of the Wrap-Up Party: Do you have trouble letting go of things you don't really need anymore? Decluttering doesn't mean you have to decide immediately. You can also put items in a fifth box. The best thing to do is to write a date on it, the date of your decision. Then you can put the box away and see if you still need the items in that box. If not, you can continue after the deadline. But be careful: Make sure you meet the deadline, or the attic or basement will soon be filled with these items.

  1. A Home for Objects: To help you keep things organized, each item should have a permanent home and be returned to immediately after use.
  1. (No) time to clear out: Even with a busy schedule, decluttering is always possible. You can set aside 20 minutes a day, for example, or devote an hour of your weekend to your decluttering project. Remember the third decluttering tip: set small goals. One drawer or one shelf - that's enough. The important thing is to clean regularly.
  1. Clearing out sustainably is Fun: Where do I put the items I have cleared out? Throw it all away? That would not be sustainable. You can give items in good condition to a social thrift store in your city with a clear conscience. Donations and gifts are two other options. Things in a box on the side of the road with a "free" sign often find new owners quickly. Selling is also an option. But this requires time and space to store until it is sold. Think about how much the items could sell for to make this worthwhile.

    It doesn't matter if you have a trendy japandi style or an industrial style: Your vision of a tidy, minimalist home can become a reality. At Metallbude you will find modern metal furniture to help you maintain order and live minimalism.