Gemeinsam stark für den Tierschutz

United strong for animal protection

Posted by Vanessa Schwarkow on

Fundraising campaign for the Detmold Animal Shelter




Awareness for an important issue

The German Animal Welfare Association has been sounding the alarm for some time: animal shelters are overcrowded in many places. The intake of dogs, cats and Co. is continually increasing, while demand is simultaneously decreasing. Fewer and fewer animals can be placed in a foster home or for permanent adoption. Therefore, this year we wanted to dedicate the 20th of February, the nationwide "Love-Your-Pet-Day", to those animals that do not have the fortune of living in a loving home. And we dedicated it to the people who contribute every day with their charitable work to provide the animals with a beautiful and healthy temporary home: the volunteers in animal shelters.



Successful Donation Result

On February 20th, the so-called "Love-Your-Pet-Day", and the following day, February 21st, our campaign ran in favor of the Detmold Animal Shelter. 25 dogs, 55 cats, and 12 rabbits. That's how many animals currently live there, where they are cared for and looked after every day. In cooperation with content creator and animal lover Eileen von Berckefeldt, the motto during this time was "Shop. Save. Donate. -10% for you. 5€ for animal protection." This means: For each order received, we as Metallbude donated 5 euros to the animal shelter. In addition, our customers had the opportunity to donate an additional amount on their own. The result? A total of 1.620 Euros!



Planned meaningful investment

"With the donated money, we will purchase a large dog live trap," says Jessica Dey from Detmold Animal Shelter. "The cases of runaway shy dogs are increasing and we want to be prepared to support search teams and to be able to catch the animals effectively and without harm." The non-profit and volunteer-run association, which has been supporting the work of the animal shelter since 1957, finances itself and its work entirely. Donations are therefore an important support. "We would like to express our sincere thanks to the team at Metallbude and all donors for making this meaningful investment possible with the successful campaign."


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