Living in a tidy apartment is more pleasant, important items are easier to find, and the apartment looks better and appears larger and clearer. However, this does not mean that nothing can be left out. Because if you rigorously put everything away, declutter and lock away, your own four walls quickly look like an uninhabited hotel room. Beautiful things and items with meaning can stay, what is not necessary or useful or not nice to look at, on the other hand, is stored elsewhere, for example in beautiful and simple metal furniture.
To prevent chaos and disorder, you should follow a few rules. These are easy to implement, do not take much time, but ensure that you can easily maintain order:
1.Give all items a fixed place
If every item has a fixed place, it's very easy to keep things organized. You always know where everything is and you don't have to search for your keys when you're already dressed and ready to go out. Set up a fixed place near the front door for this, for example on a key board or in a bowl on a dresser. Do the same for other items: Clothes taken off get a fixed place in the bedroom or go directly into the laundry basket, letters are placed at a certain spot and jackets and coats are hung on the coat rack. Get into the habit of putting things back in their fixed place right after use.At the beginning, this will be somewhat difficult and it will require discipline, but over time it will become easier for you and you will quickly find everything again.
2. Maintain order easily with modular shelving systems
In order to give everything a fixed place and to have sufficient storage space, you need shelves and cabinets. This way, you ensure that things can be neatly stored. Modular wall shelves, which you can configure according to your own needs, are a great solution for this. With them, you can utilize niches and corners. If necessary, such metal shelving systems, plastic or wood can be expanded. With shelves above the room doors, you can also create sufficient storage space in small rooms, so you can easily maintain order.Metal shelves with high-quality powder coating are easy to maintain and suitable for everyday use. A minimalist design ensures that the room does not appear cluttered, but rather enhances the tidy impression.
3. Tidy up in small steps
It is much easier to maintain order in small steps than to have to start a major clean-up. Tackle a drawer, a cupboard, or a room. This way, you will achieve a sense of accomplishment more quickly and will not lose your joy and motivation. When you tackle a cupboard, a compartment, or a drawer, consider for each item whether it is still functional and useful, or whether it can be thrown away or given away.Regularly look around your apartment and see what you can take with you directly when you move to another room. You can also integrate small tidying up moments into your daily routine and your weekly planning:
- Take a little something for a free evening or a few hours on the weekend. This way, keeping order is not that hard.
- Take ten minutes every day to create order.
- Many find a weekly schedule helpful, in which it is determined when what is done for how long. Create such a cleaning and tidying up plan, in which the tidying up is divided into small steps: Monday: five minutes tidying up the hallway, Tuesday: 10 minutes wiping through the bathroom, etc. You can quickly complete and check off these tasks - you stay motivated and at the same time have a clear goal in mind.
4. What you can do today... - The Three-Minute Rule
Anything you can do in under three minutes, you should do immediately. Rinse the wine glass in the evening, put the cereal bowl in the dishwasher after breakfast, take the pajamas from the bathroom directly to the bedroom. In this way, you avoid things piling up and you end up taking longer to tidy up.
5. Less is more: Choose minimalism
To maintain order in the long term, you should regularly declutter. This frees up space and gives you a good feeling. But you can also consciously decide to live more minimally. Then you won't accumulate so much in the first place.Here, the question helps, what have you really needed or worn in terms of clothing in the last twelve months? Also consider with every purchase whether you really need the product and whether you have space for it. Get used to the rule: For every newly purchased item, an old one is disposed of. This way, you don't accumulate things and your apartment is not overcrowded with new purchases. Also pay attention to the ¾ rule. This states that something that is three-quarters full is already full enough. This applies to a tray, a shelf, or the clothes rail. If you follow this rule, for example, there is enough space to move the hangers.
Extra tip for keeping order for families
Especially in families, something quickly gets left behind.The daughter's colored pencils on the kitchen table, the son's toy cars on the floor, the sports gear in the hallway, or the book on the sofa. To maintain order, each family member gets a so-called chaos box. In it, the things that are left lying around during the day are collected. At the end of the day, the box is emptied by everyone.
Create order to maintain order
So that you can easily implement these tips, you should first sort out, tidy up, and clean. Three categories help with sorting out:
- Keep
- Throw away
- Give away/Sell
It's best to take three boxes that symbolize these categories and put the items you want to throw away and give away in them.This way, you can sort these items immediately and dispose of them easily.
Create order with boxes and crates
To create order in the individual shelf and cabinet compartments, boxes and crates are helpful. They provide a good overview and you can store everything that belongs together within a cabinet: This way, the birthday decorations are always together or you can quickly find the right ingredients like baking powder and vanilla sugar in the kitchen when you want to bake a cake spontaneously.
If you once create order and stick to this rule, then you can master the chaos in your apartment and enjoy a tidy and orderly apartment.
Discover suitable storage furniture for more order at home at