Ein Badezimmer in Schwarz-Weiss einrichten | Metallbude

Bathroom in Black and White

Classic and versatile: A bathroom in black and white. But what do you have to consider when setting up a black and white bathroom? Find out here...
Helena Falinski
Moderne Wohnzimmer einrichten | Metallbude

Modern Living Room

Nowadays, modern living rooms are one thing above all: puristically furnished. They look clear and tidy. Here are 6 tips for implementation!
Helena Falinski
Weißer Wandspiegel für das Badezimmer mit dünnem Metallrahmen | Metallbude

Set up a minimalist Bathroom

Minimalism is trendy in all areas of life and the minimalist bathroom is also becoming increasingly popular. For good reason...
Helena Falinski
Schwarze Kleiderstange in einem Schwarz-Weißem Schlafzimmer

Dream-Bedroom in Black and White

Bedrooms in black and white have a very special charm. You should consider this when setting up a black and white bedroom!
Helena Falinski
Die 5 besten Schlafzimmer Ideen 2022 - Metallbude

The 5 best bedroom ideas 2022

Every year different trends conquer the bedroom. We introduce you to our 5 favorite bedroom ideas for 2022.
Helena Falinski
Gekommen um zu bleiben: Tipps für schmale Flure - Metallbude

Come to stay: Tips for narrow hallways

A hallway should be inviting and friendly , because it is the reception area in house and apartment. Find with us furnishing ideas for hallway design and the best tips for a homely ambience in a narrow hallway.
Helena Falinski


The hallway: It provides the first impression, organizes coming and going, welcomes guests and offers an enticing view into the other rooms. Therefore, attach importance to quality!
Carolin Epp