Minimalism has become a popular lifestyle in recent years. With it, the immaterial things are given more value than the material things. Minimalism with a family doesn't seem to fit into the concept at first because of the many toys the children have. Here is how minimalism can work with a family.
Minimalism with Family - that's how it works
Minimalism with Family: Less Things, more Time
Minimalism stands for
- Reduce to the basics and keep it simple
- Coziness
- Live in the Moment
- Appreciate what you have
- Do something good for yourself
If you focus on the essentials and have only what you need, whether it's your clothes, furniture, accessories or children's toys, you'll get much more:
- If you own fewer things, you have to tidy up less and clean less.
- When everything has a place, you don't have to look so hard.
- You have more time and money because you no longer have to go shopping and clean up.
Things are bought more consciously so that people can enjoy them more.
Minimalism for Kids
Many children have countless toys, stuffed animals, and art and craft supplies. So how do minimalism and your child's happiness go together?
The most important part of successful family minimalism is talking about it with your children. Explain to your children why you have chosen to live minimalistically as a family. Also, take their habits into consideration when implementing the plan. There may be things that you can easily live without that are important to your children. Explain to your children what minimalism means, set firm but fair limits, and be consistent, even if it seems hard at first. Don't punish your children if minimalism doesn't work for them right away; instead, reward them for positive things.
Minimalism with family will teach your children
Your children can learn a lot from minimalist family living if you implement the above.
- Learn to avoid excessive consumption
- Learn to take responsibility for their own lives
- Learn to manage money
- Learn to buy only what they really need
Your children will learn that there are limits.
This is how minimalism finds its way into your Family
- Decide with your family what your minimalist life should look like.
There are a few things you should consider before deciding to live a minimalist family life. Think about the goals of minimalism with your family and why you want to live this way. Think about what you still want to spend on and what you are going to get out of buying.
- Declutter
To live a minimalist lifestyle, most households need to be completely decluttered. Ask yourself, "What do I really need and what makes me happy? This applies to your clothes, but also to your kitchen appliances, your living room decorations, and your furniture.
Make a list of the things that can be cleared out and the reasons why you haven't cleared them out yet. For example, because they were gifts or because they hold special memories.
You don't have to do it all at once. Pick one room, one closet, or even one drawer each week. Set small goals.
Cleaning out does not mean throwing everything away. You can sell or donate many items online.
Get your kids involved. That way they'll know where their toys are going and why they're no longer there.
- Clear out more than your own four walls
Decluttering isn't just about things, it's also about hobbies and friends. Think about the hobbies and friends you enjoy and whether they add value. What can you cut out to spend more time with your family? - Time for you
Minimalism with family also means taking time for yourself. Do something good for yourself for at least an hour a day. This is important for your own health and will give you more energy for your family. Reward yourself and don't let the idea of minimalism stress you out. Have fun and enjoy the benefits of your new life.
The right furniture for minimalism with a Family
Of course, the minimalist lifestyle should be reflected in the home decor and furniture. Quality comes before quantity: Those who opt for a minimalist lifestyle rely on a few pieces of furniture and accessories that are of higher quality. You can find simple black metal furniture at Metallbude. The industrial style is inspired by former factories and warehouses and is characterized by reduced furnishings. Exposed brick walls, concrete, metal and wood and a few pieces of furniture that are skillfully staged and you have an industrial style living room. At Metallbude you can also find furniture for an industrial-style bedroom, and with a black metal clothes rail and matching shoe bench you can turn your entrance area into an industrial-style hallway.
With an open mind and a little planning, minimalism can work for families. You can find the right furniture at Metallbude.